/ December 14, 2020

Is It The Time For Assisted Living?

It’s a huge decision to move beloved family members into assisted living. For many, it is so difficult that procrastination wins the day until a health crisis occurs. The truth is that an early decision can be easier than it would be in the midst of a crisis. In fact, there are some signs that may not signal to you that it is time to move your loved one to a life of help. One popular type of assessment focuses on daily life activities that can help determine how well your loved one can perform the daily activities they need.

Sign that it’s time for Assisted Living


As your loved one ages, you may notice a decrease in your ability to pay bills, balance your checkbook, and handle other financial responsibilities. If you notice a pile of unpaid, late notifications, or unopened bank statements, there may be a problem. Medications can increase this problem, as can the emergence of diseases such as dementia, which reduces the ability to cope with complex figures and abstract thinking. This can take the form of an inability to pay taxes or find the necessary documents at an early stage, which is the reason for the target audience of older adults in cases of financial fraud.


Older adults take great pride in a clean, tidy living space, which makes a messy house where there was once an ancient space a sign that help is needed. Accumulation of dust, vacuum cleaner floors, unwashed dishes and clutter are signs that you need to pay attention to, which actually puts your loved one at greater risk of injury. Another problem is the refrigerator, where you can find spoiled food and unpleasant odors.


An even more serious problem is poor hygiene. Dirty nails, untidy hair and infrequent bathing, as well as stacked laundry and messy clothes can contribute to ill health and a high risk of disease. In some cases, older adults are afraid of bathing without help and fall, and in other cases, memory loss is a contributing factor.


Deteriorating health, increased fragility, or the development of a chronic illness, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or heart disease, may indicate a time to transition to a life of support. Each points to the need for more medical care, as well as day-to-day care and drug management. In addition, the possibility of a “health crisis”, such as a fall or difficulty getting up, could be a sign that more help is needed to maintain a loved one’s health and well-being.

When it’s time to discuss helping with a loved one, your support will make the transition easier. If you have questions about Non Emergency Medical Transportation services, contact professionals in Georgia, for the answers and assistance you need. Visit https://www.atm-ga.com/  to know more about our non emergency wheelchair transportation services.


For more details Visit our website: https://www.atm-ga.com

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